I’m not sure if I can get behind the knitted boot recently featured on Knitty Gritty. I completely applaud the designer for her daring, and I think it’s totally clever. Cute, even. But I could never wear them. And neither could you, probably. If you’re NOT a knitter, you might get away with it. You know? Fashion-forward, cutting edge. But a Knitter wearing them? Every friend and family member would know that you’d finally gone right around the bend, and you’d never live it down. It’s only a small step from that to making knitted chaps, and that’s just not okay.
Went for a walk in the rain today on my way to getting my hair done (the hairdresser confirmed my suspicion that I am almost sixty percent gray-haired at the age of thirty-three), and saw this little person:
Doesn’t she make you want to play in the rain? Or at least get a yellow slicker? Do they make grownup yellow slickers? ‘Cause that’s the cutest thing ever.
Well, since I’ve shown you the cutest thing ever, I’ll show you the toughest thing ever, too:
Five and a half pounds of pirate terror, man. Be afraid, be very afraid.