Driving home in the dark in early morning traffic, in a torrential downpour in which even the fastest setting on my windshield wipers are ineffective, being passed by SUVs who appear to be driven by morons who don’t understand that the faster they go in rain like that the more stupid they are. Seriously. I was so perturbed and freaked out. I saw a guy hydroplane out and fly off the freeway into the ice plant (didn’t look like any injuries would be involved) and then passed another solo SUV spin-out where he’d hit the center divide and ended up blocking two lanes of traffic. Losing control when they have to hit the brakes because they can’t drop below 80mph in absolutely incredibly heavy rain. Morons.
Cleaning up cat vomit off the rug with toilet paper since I’m out of paper towels. (Why can’t Digit EVER throw up on the damn floor? I have hardwood/tile floors. I have two rugs. Two. He always ends up on one of them.) I don’t know how parents do it, yo. Cats are gross.
I had more, but the little boy who just passed the coffee shop just cheered me up. He’s no more than five, wearing a Ramones shirt that’s obviously his father’s, proudly carrying drumsticks. All right.
Tomorrow is my weekend! Hooray!
*also, there’s now a guy in the coffee shop wearing a floor-length leather duster. That’s also awesome. The things that make me happy.