I was at the bank yesterday, making a deposit. After three and a half months, direct deposit has still not kicked in at the new job, so I end up carrying the paychecks around the bottom of my purse until I manage to get to the bank every once in a while.
Hey! While I’m there, I can get cash! Yay, cash!
Withdrawal from checking: $60.00
Whirrrr. The money spits out. I touch it. Whirrr. The machine SUCKS the money back in.
Neener, neener, neener. Wasn’t that pretty? Wasn’t that money nice? Wouldn’t you have liked that burrito you could have bought if there had been money in your pocket? No! You can’t have it! You’re not a good enough person to have our money! We’ve changed our minds!
I went in the bank and told a customer service rep. She said, get this, "Oh, yeah, that machine does that."
Hello? Fix the machine? Money is important, especially when the tummy is rumbly….. It was slightly horrifying. That’s what you always wonder will happen
when taking out large amounts (or is it just me?), and then it did. Goodbye, sweet cash….
I just now called the bank, and they’re going to credit my account, but that’s still not very well cash, is it? Man, I think I’m hungry, because now all I can think about is that burrito.