We have keys.
Know what that means? We have a HOUSE. A real, house-house. Seriously, words can’t even start to say how we feel. And Lala liked it! Loved it! She hadn’t seen the inside until this morning, trusting that I’d made a good choice (oh, the pressure). We actually don’t take possession until tomorrow at noon, and the ex-owners (that means we’re the new ones!) were there, the house full of boxes and furniture. But even picking around all that, Lala loved it. Hooooray! Can you IMAGINE if she hadn’t? She would have, even if it were a dump, but it’s not, and she’s thrilled, and I’m over the moon. (She actually said the other day that she couldn’t be happier if she won the lottery. I said that was silly, because then she could buy a house. She said, yes, after she bought a house with the lottery, THEN she’d be the same level of happy as she was with buying our house. I love that.)
Now I must pack. I am SO behind, and I have about half of a day to get the rest of the condo packed. Movers don’t come until a week from today, but I’m working, and I want us to paint a bit before the move, and the ‘rents are coming tomorrow to see the empty house, and and and and. All good stress! Day-um.
We have a HOUSE! Oy. Joy. I am overklempt.
Also, we have a dog the size of a coffee-cup:
Thank you, for all your crossed fingers and dpns. Thanks, with all our hearts. More pics to come, as the movin’-in continues…..