Whoreshoe Joni has been very, very pregnant for a very, very long time. She’s been cute as hell and sexy as anything, too. She always has this hot stage presence that drives all the boys CRAZY, and that isn’t diminished by pregnancy. She kicks her boots, and her shirt doesn’t cover her belly, and the boys go crazier. I made her that sweater because she was pregnant and living on a boat, seen here (the sweater, not the boat):
I made her a wee matchy one for the baby, and she tried it on her belly for size the other night. It seemed to fit. (Made it up as I went along, sorry no notes — I tried to make it so that it would fit an 8 month old, so he can wear it this next winter…..)
Horseshoe cable for the son of a whoreshoe.
Anchor buttons for the son of a sailor
And the big news is that the baby is here! Dylan Allan. Hello, Dylan Allan! You’re very welcome. Lala went over to Joni’s house yesterday for hours and hours and hours and she was there for the birth! Can you imagine? She was one of the very first people to see him, ever. That’s cool. And guess what? We’re going to be godmothers! Fairy godmother Rachael. I like the sound of that.
In other news, unpacking continues. I lost Lala two days ago when she accidentally barricaded herself into her room while unpacking. I had to get in to help her move her couch and I had climb OVER that stuff in the door. I felt rather limber, doing it. I didn’t break anything, so that was good.
The animals are adjusting just fine.
Pardon the poor colors — the wall is green tea, not horrible teal-whatever-that-is, but the point is: The yarn room is unpacked! I have a writing space! I have a place where I can start addressing the wedding invites that should have gone out two weeks ago. Yipes. I have a floor again!
And THAT’S how I feel about THAT.