I absolutely know that baby pictures, to people who don’t know the baby personally, just look like baby pictures. Kinda like dog pictures. Dogs is dogs, babies is babies. (Cats are different and communicate their personalities clearly, even in photos.) You seen one baby you don’t know, you’ve seen ’em all. But oh, boy, I have to show you some more of our little Dyl pickle. (I really don’t know why Joni picked us for godparents. We’ve already given him an embarrassing name and it’s fun.)
Oui, I have eyes!
I saw him three times before I believed Joni had given him eyes as well as starfish hands and a kicky little nose.
Drunk, at two weeks. Shameful, really.
Lala tells Dylan about Guitar Hero and other video games.
Joni says no video games. We nod. Of COURSE no video games. Not at OUR house. Nope. None at all. No sugar either.
This has to be a pop-up because I’m a little embarrassed, but Lala says the accompanying text reads, "Good god, woman, if those aren’t for me, put them away!"
And because it’s a photo kind of day, here’s one of Lala checking to see if we really WILL be able to grill the elephant that we’re going to catch in Vancouver (there are wild elephant in Vancouver, right?).
What the hell? Who needs a grill that big? We’ve been all dreamy, stocking our cunning cottage with things that grownups buy (I bought a wee food processor and used it this morning to make cranberry bread), but no one needs a grill that big, yo. Scary.
Also, speaking of stocking our cottage, this is what I look like when opening gifts that arrive on the doorstep:
(My vest is a thrifted one that says "The Beavers," which I understand is a sports team up north, but which I still find hysterical, much like Alison’s vacationing at Crotch Lake.)
But yes, it’s weird. It’s odd saying, "This is what we want," and it feels like it would be sterile and cold and honestly, selfish, to open boxes that hold what we asked for, but it’s not. It’s wildly fun, but I feel greedy and strange. And I sure don’t like the greedy feeling at ALL. But it’s there. When I opened the red silicone baking pan yesterday from KT, I did a little dance. That’s what I cooked the bread in this morning. When I fondled the gorgeous wooden salad bowls from Gina, I was in heaven. Mmmmm.
Then, a mental slap! Greedy! Selfish! I shouldn’t covet so much. But we do, don’t we? Got yarn? Eh. I’m not quite sure where to put this low-level nagging feeling, so I suppose I’ll keep opening boxes and doing skippy little leaps and pushing the guilt into a corner of my mind to use in my writing later. Yeah! Wait, that’s a selfish thought……
And I’m not even Catholic.