Today’s blog is courtesy of my lovely sister-in-law Won-ju, who sent me these pics. You know, not hiring a photographer for the Big Wedding really worked in that I keep getting sent pics of the night, all of which are better than the ones I have. Yay!
Lala’s mom and Lala. Stylin’.
Dancing the beer bottle.
Hangin’ with the band.
I might have sung a little bit.
The little mama (wearing HER little mama’s shawl) and sister Christy.
Woot! Now, after having discussed my widening booty and tummy publicly on the blog, I actually went out and ran today. Know what? It wasn’t as bad as it had all rights to be. I remember this feeling, though. It’s kind of the Suck-In of exercise. Yay! I feel great! I should do this everyday! And tomorrow, it’s gonna suck eggs.
But I’ll keep it up, I suppose. Registering for the SF Half Marathon today just to keep me going. Yawn. Exercise: I love everything about it except doing it (and sometimes I even like that. The cherry trees are blooming at Mills, and that’s a nice thing to run by.)