But I’ve told you that before. It’s still true. And oh, my god, the comment about drawing a picture of the person you’re having the problem with, then burning it over the toilet and then peeing on it? I don’t have a person THAT bad in my life, maybe I never have. Hopefully I never will. Asshat HOA Member isn’t even that bad. But I can imagine that if he were, BOY, would that help.
Also, driving home yesterday morning after work, thinking about the things I hear at work, after hearing a coworker attempt CPR on a 6-year old for three minutes, seeing my coworker’s face after that call (he has kids — those calls have to be harder on parents than on me, and I HATE them), yeah, my problems are so minuscule. I’ll take care of what I have to do for the association, and HOA-guy will, too. Eventually. One way or another.
So. The question I asked about turning off those arguments in your head, the ones you know you should let go, but just can’t? Those ones you keep fighting and rehearsing and scripting?
Things that worked yesterday:
* Perspective. Yeah, duh, but think about 25 million dead in 25 years from AIDS. You feel a little dumb after that, worrying about your rental property. Sheesh. (Also? That’s so scary and bad and wrong and horrible and OHMYGOD. But you know the numbers, I know you do.)
* A gin and tonic at 7am on the porch swing. (They’re GOOD in the morning, and you still get that morning bad-girl thrill even if you’ve been working all night and you’ve been awake since 2pm the day before.)
* Hugging the wife.
* Hugging the new dog. Bigger dogs are so GOOD to hug. Who knew?
* Sleep.
* Y’all.