for more than a list:
1. I’m tired. Working tonight, on my off night. Off at 6am, home by 7am, asleep by 8am, up again by noon. But I’m seeing Neko Case tonight, so that’s good.
2. Tomorrow, also an off day, I’m working all day. Overtime.
3. Thursday I start my real work week.
4. I dream of sleep. It’s like thinking about a hot-fudge sundae. You know?
5. Clara is SMART. The other day she had emptied her Kong, so she kept throwing it at my feet, while I sat on the couch, lazy and sleepy. Then I heard crinkling. She BROUGHT me, in her mouth, the bag of Kong snacks for me to fill the toy. She didn’t eat them in the kitchen, although she could have. She brought the bag to me.
6. Also this (and I wouldn’t even write about it, knowing that no one would believe me, but Lala was with me, so I have a witness), yesterday while we sat on the back porch, we saw Clara run out of the kitchen, over the porch, and down into the yard, carrying not only a bagel in her mouth, but the plastic container of cream cheese. Both, in her mouth at the same time. I was so overcome by this that I had to hang up on my sister so I could reclaim my food and double over in laughter.
7. Tonight, before work, I had to go to a terrible HOA meeting, in which I confronted the Problem Neighbor, who is NOT an owner. I told him I knew. He backpedaled and said he WAS the owner. It just didn’t show on records. No, he was HALF owner! That was it! And it was none of my GD business, nowhere does it state that only homeowners can come to the HOME OWNER’S association meeting. Even he stuttered a little bit. I made the point that according to the tax assessor’s office, he was not the owner, and also he hadn’t paid dues in more than a year, and so therefore, NO, he was NOT part of the association. At this, he stormed out. Then the other two owners and I heaved a great sigh of relief and discussed fixing the railing, which is wobbly and dangerous.
8. Anyone know Sarah Kahn in the Bay Area? She’s the real owner, and I don’t know how to find her, since Jose said, "She doesn’t want to know about these petty problems. I’m not giving you her number." I’ve googled, and found nothing. Thought I’d ask.
9. My wife gave me the best gift of all, on this rather crappy HOA/work-filled day off: She installed an air conditioner in our bedroom window. A real cold one. I will make jingling sounds of joy when I come home this morning. She will know how much it means to me. I think she already does.
10: WATERDOG (click for big):