I am itching to knit cables. I’m………
Oooh! Have you ever tried Paul Newman’s fig snack cookies? They are soooo chewy and good.
I was thinking about knitting. But now I’m not, sorry.
My brain is fried. Exhausted. Too much work, too little sleep, and the added stress and excitement of getting a lot done in a short amount of time. Yesterday I gave the key to our new tenant, and I left her there. In my condo. Which is now her apartment. I don’t live there anymore.
I don’t WANT to live there anymore. But it’s weird to sell the space to someone. She’ll be cozy there. She’ll be one taking the baths in the clawfoot tub. (Why didn’t I take my last bathe while I still could?) She’ll be listening to the traffic. I hope she loves it. She certainly seems like a doll.
I was all, like, professional and stuff. I said, "I want to be the best landlord EVER!" and then I did a little hop to emphasize the point. "So call me! For anything! If anything breaks, I’ll fix it!"
She said, "I’ll really keep it nice for you. I promise."
"But I’ll get things fixed! Put nails in the wall! You’ll scratch the hardwood floor like I did, and who cares? Shit happens! Just call! I’ll help!"
She said, "I used to manage an apartment building, so I’m pretty handy."
CALL ME! I wanted to scream, but I nodded coolly and stopped jumping up and down. "Sure, that’s cool. I get it."
Then Clara and I left and went to the beach where I felt very grown up and weird, and she felt like a border collie who wanted to herd waves (she’s very good, thank you for asking).
I forgot I had these cookies! Hang on.
Yep. Still as good as they were ten minutes ago.
See, me back on midnight shift lets you in for this kind of thing. Saintly Lala was great yesterday morning when I got home. I’d been up and running for more than 24 hours following a sleepless PMS-insomnia night. I got LOST going home. Seriously. I was trying to get through Pleasanton on surface streets, avoiding a pile-up on westbound 580, and I totally twisted myself up. I couldn’t call work for directions home, because I would have cried. I didn’t have a map. So I literally headed for the hills, knowing Oakland lay that direction.
Yeah, wrong hills. I was almost to Fremont (got to Sunol) by the time I figured out my mistake. Timesaving, not so much.
I got home and dissolved into those big tired sobs that don’t make any sense. Also, I needed to make the bed right NOW, with Lala still in it. This is true.
She just kept saying shhhh.
She left the room to take a shower so she could go to work, and when she came back in, I was dead to the world. Lovely, lovely sleep.
I’m at work now, dreaming of sleep. And eating the best fig newtons. And deciding that I really don’t care for knitting lace. But I LOVE cables. I must do cables soon. Very soon. Screw all this other stuff I’m working on and can’t seem to finish (except socks. Finishing lots of boring socks lately).
I hope you’re sleeping now, well and deeply. Or if you’re east of me, I hope your coffee is strong, and the sky is clear and cool. That’s what I wish.