- Come to The Whoreshoes CD release party this Saturday night in San Francisco! All the cool kids will be there. Which is why I’ll be at work. But you should go, anyway. Seriously, it’s a great album, and it’ll be a great party.
- I signed up for NaNoWriMo. Woot! You should, too.
- I finished that Debbie Bliss Lara made from pink and purple Italian yarn, bought in Venice. It is too SMALL. O, it is to weep. I’ve added a bottom ribbing, which makes it long enough, and I’ve ordered a zipper, because then maybe it’ll be okay, stretched over a simple tee-shirt. I am NOT ripping, and I am NOT giving it away, because it is, as I’ve said, Venetian. And I have a little problem worshiping the Venice, you know. I’ll show you when the zipper’s in.
- I am now working a simple cardie and got out a stitch counter that I’ve never used before, just bought it the other day because I was running low on them. You know the kind, hangs from your needle. But get this: It turns the wrong way — the single digit counter is on the inside wheel. It makes my brain hurt.