Just caught up with the NaNoWriMo novel, caught up on the words I was behind on — didn’t write a scrap yesterday. I thought my computer was fine after the fall, but then I couldn’t make the power source work, so I was unable to charge it. So I couldn’t write yesterday, of course. Didn’t want to run down the last few minutes I had to my name…..
But of course, Lala was able to make it work, and I wrote today. Sigh. It was a struggle. But I did it.
I’ve been working from a plot-line for the first time ever. I don’t know how long I’ll stick to it, but it’s been a dream so far. Every time a character wants to wander to the kitchen to make tea or coffee (yawn), I know it’s time to pull a card. I used Holly Lisle’s plot card idea, and I keep them right by me. I don’t know how it will work in the end, but for right now, it’s keeping me writing, without that desperate back-of-the-mind I-have-no-idea-WHAT-to-write-next thing that usually hits me about now.
(At first I uploaded a picture of the cards that could actually be read, and that was a very bad idea. Too incredibly embarrassing.)
And hey, as of today, I’m twenty percent done. Dude! Not bad.
Yesterday Lala had a great idea — I should insert myself as a character, and then I could include my blogging, which is always somewhat wordy. Up my word count that way. Heh.
I can hear a tambourine somewhere in the house. This is so cute and domestic: Lala has signed on to do NaSoAlMo (is that right?) National Solo Album Month. So she’s in there making an album. Which I think is rad.
Especially since she’s found that Clara is TERRIFIED of the harmonica. Lord, that’s a funny thing to see.
Now, I’m off to spin some more on my new lovely Ashford, which I’ve tweaked into working great. Neck is way better today, thanks for asking. Mwah!