You know what? Google searches are good stuff. I found out
yesterday that an ex of mine is married. I can’t even tell you how much I love
I remember, god, it’s like nine years ago now, when we broke
up, he told me that he’d never be happy, and someday I’d realize that I’d made
the biggest mistake of my life (he was also the one that thought the attraction to women was a cute and temporary thing. Tell my wife that, huh?). I remember telling him that someday he would be
happy again, promising him he would be happy. He swore he never would.
He’s was the opposite of me in many ways, although I loved
him. He lived his life trying to stay off the radar, off the net, using cash
instead of ATM cards, refusing to give his info to anyone, anywhere, anytime,
storing gold in his house, since it was the only currency that would last when
The Man came for all of us. Annoying, really. So it’s been hard to follow him
online, on the google searches. He’s really the only one I’ve stalked, checking
his unusual name once or twice a year.
Because, you know, I wanted to know he was happy. Even the
day after we broke up, I only wanted that. I’ve been DYING to know he was
happy, first of all because that’s good for all human beings, second of all
because DUDE, I told you so! No one can be miserable forever! Not even if you
really, really want to be.
He married a soil scientist, last year, according to my
expert sleuthing. And you know what? You get married because you’re happy. And
then, with luck and expensive cheese, you’re happy being married. On your wedding day, you’re happy.
Woot! I was right!
That makes ME happy.
Also: this struck me as funny today. Lala sent me an email
that said,
I have noticed that since you’ve been doing nanowrimo your
emails have
gotten more… writerly. Not in a pretentious way – it’s barely
noticeable. Just a little more of the sort of thing I might say "hey, you
should put that in the book!"
On the other hand, your ability to structure spoken english has gone
downhill. So it’s a trade-off.
It’s true. I can’t speak at all lately. But I have been
finding that it’s just easier to write. This NaNoWriMo thing is awesome. Went
out to an
food with a big room full of other writers. At my table, the age range went
from 7, to 16 (he’s almost done), all the way up to about 60. It was just heaps
of fun talking about the writing, about how, really, it’s not THAT much
writing. It’s translated to about an hour and a half or less of writing a day.
On the 15 hour work-days, that’s been hard. But on my days off, it just gets
done. Makes me think I should do it all the time. NaNoWriYe, anyone?
Also: A big shout-out (boy, does that sound dated and silly) to my girl Jodi, who has a brand new blog to go with her fabulous NaNoNess. Jodi was the officiant at our California wedding. And listen, in order to do that, she got a minister’s license. Think about it. Did she NEED one? No, we weren’t doing anything legal, nothing that required a minister, because we don’t have all the rights that others do. But she still got the license. Made us feel all real and wonderful and stuff. She’s truly the best, and I love her. Go say hello to her and encourage her in the word count.