I got a ukulele!
My orange Mahalo Ukulele (chihuahua for scale)
I am SO excited. I didn’t even know I really wanted one. I mean, I saw Celia’s bass uke, and thought it was the coolest, but didn’t want to shell out the money for one right off the bat. I have a track record with instruments — I can pick out melodies badly on the fiddle. I can read music slowly and badly on the piano. I have played the same six or seven chords on the guitar my whole life and have never improved.
But the ukulele! It’s so not-intimidating! Only four strings, and it’s just so nice to me. Even if you hit a wrong chord, it’s pretty forgiving. I am having trouble with being able to play and sing at the same time, especially in a song with triplets like Crazy. The whole strumming thing is hard for me. But that will get better with practice, right?
I like how it just sits on my little desk next to my computer, so when the internets are being slow, I can just pick it up and play a little.
In other news, I mopped. For some reason I always think the best time to do that is when it’s raining, which it is, and then I wait for an hour for the floors to dry.
And we went to the beach (before the mopping, thankfully), and I brought home a Harriet and a Sand Monster.
Imagine. Her whole body. Every, single time. Thank god for the Dyson.
The cats are good, for those of you send nice emails about them — Adah is still the neighborhood sweetheart, and Digit is still grumpy. He’s been grumpy since birth. But they’ve both finally recovered from the move (a year ago this week! Can you IMAGINE?) and they ignore the dogs as much as possible. Digit still gets in bed and sucks on the sheets. My big, grumpy boycat. Cat of my heart. I should go see if he wants in from this rain…..
UKE! Whee!