It’s always like having this long, deep, SMART well in my backyard — I can toss a question in, and you all answer me in so many wonderful ways. You know everything! Thank you, all of you.
The nausea is not quite settled yet — living on ginger tea right now, but I just called my pharmacist and she said I could take benadryl with the Lortab (you clever ones, you, who suggested this) — it’s gonna make me SLEEPY but I could do with a little sleep right now. The doc upped my dosage schedule to every two hours instead of every four, with hopes that would help. I think it has, a bit, but right now I feel like I’m on a boat, and I’m not that fond of being on boats.
This CAN’T be interesting to anyone but me and Lala, and really, she has to say that, doesn’t she? So instead, what I saw on my bed yesterday (Digit was there, too, of course, but we have visitors often):
Willie, with a Harriet backdrop.
And look away if you mindless assless chaps on a cat, but how cute is this sleeping pose?