We have a line of cookbooks over on the microwave shelf (the microwave the cats eat on top of. It protects their food from Clara — I know, I know, but we don’t prepare food there).
Often, when we get home, the cats have pulled out a book for us to consider. (We don’t know why.) Normally they leave it lying on the counter, but today their message was propped up, as you see above.
Loud and clear. Even with his back to us, eating his dry Iams, Willie would like you to know what he’d prefer.
In running news: Dad-in-law Tony (who has run 12 marathons) would like to remind me that had he known I wasn’t training properly for the half-marathon, I would have received The Lecture, so whew! Close call! And he would also like to match up to a hundred dollars, like my dad did, so he’ll match the next hundred dollars that is donated to MMRF (see this post). So your $10 will be doubled…..
(I feel like I’m doing an NPR fundraiser. I am a bad person because I cannot STAND to listen to the NPR fundraising. I switch the public radio station to the disco station imMEDiately when I hear it. Although we do donate when we can.)