It's just been one of those really eventful days. One of those days that sneaks up on you, and acts all quiet, and moves like a normal day but isn't — you know the kind. I went to work and answered 911 and looked at email and talked to coworkers and it SHOULD have been a normal day, but it wasn't. It was special.
Good things are happening in book world. Nothing completely momentous (I would tell you), and nothing that I can really blog about, but good things.
But I'm a BLURB. A real blurb. I got this book in the mail today, and when I turned it over, I'M ON THE BACK COVER AS A BLURB. I've never been quoted before. Are they sure they got the right gal? I'm right there with superstars Annie Modesitt and Clara Parkes. Come on, really, I know from knitting, but only from a trotting horse. I think I forgot to tell Adrienne that. I'll be reviewing her book later next month, but if you want to take a sneak peek, hie yourself over to Amazon now, because I loved this book.
I worked a really short shift today, only eight hours, and then went to the doctor for a routine visit, and then got to go into San Francisco, where we attended a schmancy art opening (they let us in! We saw people we knew and didn't know they would be there!) and got to see Lala's old roommate, Rachel Maddow.
(Lala was wearing the glasses first. But Rachel M was perhaps Lala's first (of MANY) Rach(a)els, near and far. There was some talk of how I was the Saudi Arabia of Rachels, and she was the Afghanistan, but I kind of stopped following that line of reasoning when my ass hit her HER GIRLFRIEND'S ARTWORK on the wall (Susan Mikula — it was her opening). I was taking that photo and tried to act as if I hadn't almost taken out some of the Important Art.)
This lovely reunion was followed by Laphroig at the Westin, and a discussion about a great interview Lala had today (please think good thoughts!). I do love a hotel bar. I swear I saw an earnest looking young guy in a suit get out a dog collar and place it carefully next to the bar lamp, so I was watching to see who met up with him but we left before his date arrived, damn it.
Then home for TJ's pizza, and now I'm off to bed, exhausted and happy. Tomorrow is Stitches West, and I'll be there all weekend. Catch me if you can! xoxo