I love cables! I really, really love cables! Never my favorite X-man, but wow, what fun! I’ve known how to do them for ages, and I’ve used little teeny decorative ones, but this is the first time I have knit something that’s all cables. It’s like magic! This incredible, textured pattern is flowing out, and I’m like hey, how’d that happen? You mean if I move this… I’ve always been proud of anything I knitted, and would shine with pride when someone noticed, but with this, I want to go up and wave it under someone’s nose and say, “I knitted this! Me! I made it!”
Grrr, I hate wasps. There is a couple little nests right outside the glass door, and I’ve been waiting (patiently) for the pest man to come and take care of them before I do a damn thing outside. He’s still not been up my way, and it’s been like a week. Next week I’ll call and bug him some more. Bug him. Hee hee.
I’ve got a bit of a sleep deprived goof going on, please forgive me.
In most parts of the country, California is pretty universally derided. You say you’re from there, and you get a slightly horrified look, and a “but you’re such a nice girl!” Here, it seems to be a bit different. Here you get the “what part” question, which means you’re either dealing with someone who lived there or someone who has a cousin in LA. We seem to be the first stop in a northward exodus from CA. Half of the people I talk to once lived in Chico, and the other half have already moved on to Alaska. (I don’t know where my numbers are coming from or how I spoke to the half in Alaska; I’m tired, okay?)
Too sleepy to blog more. In brief; found hot springs and whole foods store, less than half an hour away. Snacking on soy nuts and dreaming of a soak. Trained for espresso job. Fun. Lots of TV and knitting expected, interspersed with lattes. Need haircut. Bought lamp. Little House look good.
Blue Castle still has hole in bathroom floor to basement. Ignoring for now. Plugged with toilet paper to prevent crawlies. Showers still held to 5 1/2 minutes. Learning to prioritize. Which body parts today? Still, would very much like reliable water/well/pipes man/woman.
Guess I wasn’t too tired to blog, just too tired for grammar. Now I really am too tired for both.