“Looked good.”
Those were really good words to hear. Deep sigh of relief. Of course, we had all YOUR thoughts with us, which helped immensely. AND I sent Mom in to the hospital wearing my only (so far) cashmere sweater.
One should ALWAYS go to the hospital in cashmere. I was vastly annoyed when they made her change. Grumble. I left the sweater out, though, on top of everything else. When in need, I reach for the good stuff, and I encouraged the little mama to do the same. She’s tucked up now, hopefully sleeping. And I hope to do the same soon….
(Seriously, I’m such a cash-ho. I’ve tried everything I can think of with that plastic yarn crap, made a top-down raglan to the armholes, started a bucket-o-chic, started a sock (even put on a lightning bolt, rock-alongers). It’s awful. Horrible. And worse, I’m out of the Koigu I brought (finished the sock) and I didn’t bring anything else! The withdrawal has me jumpy.)
Twitch. Twitch.
But happy twitches. Thanks, y’all, for all the well-wishes. What would I do without you? And no more – this dial-up is too slow for impatient, tired me. Go say hi to Bethany who has good news, too.
Ripping a store bought sweater for cashmere yarn? You’re my new personal hero. I tend to think of myself as a frog princess but that prospect gives even me shivers
I’m so glad the news was good!
Yay!! I’m so glad the nurse had good news. Of course the cashmere helped. Will continue to send good thoughts to you and the little mama.
Dial-up=evil. And that’s what I have on my home computer.
Yay yay yay yay yay!
(Boo, however, to being out of Koigu. That shouldn’t ever happen.)
The idea of you twitching from knitting withdrawal is hilarious. HI-larious!
Hooray for little mama!
YAY for the little mama news…BOO-hiss for being out of the good stuff, now when you NEED it. I’d fax you some koigu if i could figure out how…maybe there is a thrift store on the way home from the hospital with some cashmere just waiting to be rescued and fondled…..stranger things have happened, no?
Hurraz for your mom!! And even without the cashmere, she’s lucky to have you for support.
Of course I meant hurraY. z and y are switched on German keyboards. Fun fact for the daz. 🙂
I have two balls of plastic yarn that I don’t know what to do with either. I bought them to test knit a hat that I designed, but they are lasting forever. And so yucky to knit with. My mom warned me to never knit with acrylic and she was right. Glad to hear that your mom is doing well. 🙂
Go, go, little mama! But Rachael, you didn’t bring enough nice yarn? Now I’m worried about YOUR health!
If you are staying much longer I recommend hitting a yarn store! Can understand the withdrawl symptoms 😉 Glad to hear mom is doing well and sis got a job!
I will keep your mama in my thoughts, Glad to know the news is good!
As for you, get thee to a yarn store! If that doesn’t work, remember that I work in one, I can get you yarn anywhere the US postal service will deliver!!!
Here is a purse I saw today made with plastic yarn. Plastic yarn is a new one on me. Saw your plea on google pertaining to the plastic yarn problem, and thought this might help.
Kahud48 at http://www.crochetville.org