No internet yet at home, and I have only minutes left on my laptop here at the cafe but I had to drop in to tell you WE LOVE IT.
Also, living with Lala is cool. Yep. Good stuff.
Quick pics:
Strong Young Movers. Both Lala and I want to marry Josue, the head guy. Hot, handsome, nice, and funny — he’s the total package. And he carries them, too. Bless him and his crew.
Three animals in one place! We are surviving well with all the animals, only because darlings Kris and Jodi gave us that wonderful cat pheremone plug-in thing called Feliway — makes Digit almost mellow around the dogs. Amazing.
Home. Ahhhh.
New bed! Good sleep!
That tangerine wall suits us.
My old table, given to me by a friend a few years ago, looks perfect here. And swing! Outside!
Thank you, for all your comments and love and kindnesses. (Dani, the bagels you sent us (from New York! The real thing!) have sustained us for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Literally.)
Internet soon! I hope!
Exhausted. Whew.
Big Smiles over here. Looks great.
So, so, so happy for both (all) of you! The house looks so homey. Congratulations again!
Longtime lurker, first-time commenter…
The new digs are adorable, and you both look SO happy!!! ๐
And now you’re even a slum landlord! Way to go!!! (and you didn’t think you’d ever buy your first place)
Oh yay – such happy news. Thanks for sharing your new home with us all.
Congrats on this new exciting phase of your lives together!
Everything looks fabulous. So comfy and inviting. And you two look super happy together! Congrats!
Yay! Best wishes for many good times in the new digs!
My goodness…we’ve all been checking every day! Soooooo good to see you in the New House. So. Good. Have a wonderful first few days. And second few days. And…ad infinitum. And give the pets a nice scratch behind the ears.
congratulations girls. such a cute house! i’m jealous of the red bathroom with the white and black tile.
Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing and letting us all be a part of your big move! You guys rock!
That’s just fantastic. Congratulations! ๐
Your sense of color just rocks my world!
It is so darn cute — just love it! Congrats. ; )
I love the way the scarlet walls set off the checked floors in the bathroom. I’m glad to hear that you are happy in your new place.
Im just glad they arrived ๐ Just let me know when you are ready for more.
Everything looks GREAT and you both look so happy – which makes me smile!
Oh, grrlies! Happy, HAPPY for you!!
amazing what love and bravery can do, eh?
What a darling little love nest! More power to you both!
Just be happy together and the ‘family’ will follow the clues …even Digit
Lots of sleep, swing sitting and of course hugging seems most important, let everything else slip into place as it will and delight in each others sense of being in the right place with the rightest person:0)
god that place is so damn cute! not to mention you two being sickeningly sugary ๐
much happiness to you both!
Everything looks perfect – like you’ve been there forever. Much happiness!
The place looks amazing. I am so happy for you both!
(so, nu, how are the other plans?)
It all looks so homey and happy. I’m glad for both of you.
nice pics! place looks great, and so do you! ๐
So beautiful. It’s all so beautiful.
you both look so happy! congradulations ๐
I don’t know which of these pictures makes me the happiest! (OK, it’s the last one, you two must be the cutest couple in the entire Bay Area). Congratulations to your wonderful new Home, Sweet Home!!!
Love the colored walls! Booh to landlordsdreamoffwhite and yay for scarlett bathrooms.
Long time lurker but just wanted to say how gorgeous your home looks and how happy it is to see you two so happy!
Yee-haw. New house looks great. I love the black and white tiles with the scarlet walls in the bathroom.
Your house is so beautiful. What a place! You scored! Enjoy it. =)
Ohhh, your new home is beautiful, you two are beautiful, everything looks wonderful! Congratulations Racheal (and Lala!) I wonder, is Lala’s room a computery/music room, or will the music just be through the entire house? It looks like a musical sort of home ๐
So awesome, livin’ the American dream! (in a good way, not the too much coke and then the stock market crashes kind of way but the hard work pays off with a happy home and beautiful wife and happy animals and happily ever after kind of way)
such lovely, happy pictures-Made my day!
Yay! You’re in your new place!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
I love the red in the bathroom. Hmmmmmmm…
I think there is a possibility that my dining and living rooms are the same colour as your tangerine wall. I love that colour.
Wow, you two are fast! I still have boxes to unpack and it’s almost been a year (just all the pictures to hang, but still).
It looks fantastic, as do the two of you.
The home is lovely and such a wonderful flow to it. Kudos to you and Lala!
Congratulations to both of you on your lovely new home. May it bring you many years of love and happiness.
Yay! I’m so happy for you guys! The place looks fab! And a me too… we got the keys but haven’t signed the final stuff… me likey new homes and all the good stuff that goes with them.
Love that Feliway… It helped the boys on their move! You know, I’ve been looking at that first picture and thinking there was snow on the blinds! (I guess I have snow on the brain…)
The house looks great. This has to be the fastest purchase I’ve ever heard of!
Looks great! I’m very happy for both of you!
Oh have a lot of furniture. Like, real furniture. I’m so jealous!! The house looks greta by the way, and you and Lala look very happy!
I’m so happy and excited for you guys! What a great virtual housewarming.
Aww, the house looks lovely, and you two look so happy! Congrats!
You’ve just inspired me to go buy that new couch I’ve been promising myself.
I can’t believe you’re all settled IN already! What an inspiration!
Sugary sweet is right–good for you!
Oh, how we hate to see you two so miserable. If there’s anything we can do to improve your frame of mind, let us know. ๐
Awesome! The place looks great!
wow! your place looks soooo good! the colors are amazing! congratulations ๐
For someone who hates moving – man, you’re good at it! Painted and unpacked already?! It looks like you’ve always lived there. Congratulations again! And I can’t wait to see photos of the Yarn Room!
House! House! House! Still so excited for you ladies.
I have that feliway-plug-in thingy in four different rooms! Thank gawd for it.
*So Happy*
Awww. I’m so happy for all of y’all! And yes, the colors really do suit you.
PS Feliway comes in a plug in thingie?! I just have the pump spray, which is all we had to ease the cats through moving across country. Miracle stuff!
Your house is beautiful – totally gorgeous and you look wonderful together – here’s to a long and very happy life in the new house together
amazing, wonderful, you two, the animals, the red walls in the bathroom. Love it all.And so happy for you ๐
Your new place is looking great! So cozy and the lighting is great in the living/dining areas! I’m jealous hehe! I live in a basement apt and I only get good light around mid-late morning, then it’s gone untill the next day!
Happy home-making!
The house looks amazing! I can’t believe the good shoppers you guys are, even dead tired. Congrats.
Congratulations, the house looks perfect!
WOW — I’ve been swept up in my own new (amazing) love affair…and haven’t read blogs in a few weeks…
It was so nice to pop oper yours and catch up!
Yeah – moved in! Yeah!
Wow wow wow! How wonderful!!
i think i already commented on this post, but i’m totally in love – with your house and your dog.
can’t wait for the wedding pics!