You guys, I get a lot of requests for help, and I can't honor them all, though I truly wish I could. (And man, has the news been bad lately.)
This one I want to honor. I got an email from a reader, who is friends with a woman named Wilma, who is Krystle Campbell's aunt. Krystle was killed in the Boston Marathon bombing.
It doesn't take long to make an 8X8 square, and if you've read my memoir or this blog for a while, you know what it meant to me to have a hug from people (strangers, some of them!), a hug I still wrap around my shoulders on cold mornings while I write. I coordinated one for Zoom a few years back. Love Blankets actually truly make a difference.
I'm making a square for Wilma (and if there are enough squares, we'll get a blanket to Krystle's father, too). Will you help, too? Here's Rena's letter:
Krystle Campbell
Hi Rachael,This is a bit awkward for me because I've only just learned who you were a couple of weeks ago, but you were the first person that came to mind. I've been reading your book, A Life in Stitches, because I told my nook that I like to knit, and it thought I would love what you had to say about it. I do. I love it so much, and more than one chapter has attempted to choke me with tears (and succeeded…like yesterday in the lunchroom…my first sweater will now have rows of your memories in it).
I just got through the part where you talk about the Love Blanket everyone made for you when you lost your mother. Krystle Campbell, one of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing earlier this week, was the niece of a coworker of mine. Wilma was so proud of her, so fond of her, you would think Krystle was her own daughter. It feels like it was no coincidence that I happened upon your book when I did, or read that particular chapter while flailing inside because showering Wilma with hugs this week just hasn't been enough. I started by going around the office and hounding my friends on Facebook in hopes of finding people who knit or crochet because the thought of, "Rachael knows who can help," just sounded crazy. I've hit that particular level of determination where crazy sounds like the Best Idea Ever.
If you can help get the word out, that would be absolutely amazing. I have no deadline at the moment, but none of these families have closure in one of the worst ways. If there are enough squares (which I'm hoping for beyond hope), I want to piece together a second blanket for Wilma's brother–Krystle's father. I can give them both to her here at the office.
Please, if you can help, feel free to pass out my email to anyone willing to put together an 8" by 8" square–crochet, knit, it doesn't matter, any color or style–and I'll get them my mailing address.
Thank you so much,
If you can make a square, please email me at or leave a comment here and I'll pass on your email directly to Rena (I'll act as filter in case you're some crazy person and want to send her a Lego square or cast-iron triangle or something.)
Let's do this? Yes?
(PS – if you could pass this on to friends/knitting circles/etc, even better.)
(PPS – I hug you in advance.)
(PPS – Update from Rena: You all are so wonderful, I don't really know how to put it into words. Thank you…thank you so, so much for being willing to help. I've gotten a lot of emails already, and I'll respond to each with my mailing address. However, I've noticed a lot of questions about yarn weight and such (because I honestly didn't think of that). DK or worsted weight is preferred. Wilma lives in central Florida, but we still do get chills here (and the air conditioning is sometimes worse). Fiber is free game. Same with color and pattern. That is the artist's discretion. Hugs for you all!)
I will completely do this. I don’t know if she has a fiber preference, but I have a ridiculously large stash that I’m trying to get rid of so if anyone needs yarn for this I can probably handle that too!
Wow. Heartbreaking. Put me down for a square. I know Rena says any color, but does she have any idea what Krystle’s favorite color was? It would be nice to personalize it that way. And thanks for sharing this.
I would love to as well. I will be sending hugs and wishes from Ontario, Canada.
i’m in. i will begin tonite. i know what this moment means. i picked up your book during a crisis in my life and it was the perfect thing for me to be reading at the time. worsted weight yarn or something else?
Hi Rachael,
I am in. I have plenty of yarn and would love to help. The only requirements are 8×8 inches. Yes?
Please pass my email on.
Please pass my email on!
Please. My brother received one of those knit blankets of love… I know the power.
Hi Rachael,
I just lost my grandma this month. I haven’t been able to knit in over a month. O want to help. I need to help. Please pass my info on.
Thank you for doing this.
You can put me down too. I have never done a square, but I would love to do this for such a lovely person. Breaks my heart….
Sign me up. It can never be enough, but it’s SOMETHING.
This is a wonderful thing. I’m in.
I’m in. I have done many of these (including a square for your blanket) and I know the power they hold. ๐
I’m in. Sending love and prayers from Ontario Canada. You don’t have to be an American to have been deeply saddened by this tragedy…and encouraged by the helpers and the outpouring of love and support.
If you’re happy with squares from England, I’m in! ๐ Claire x
Add me. I’m going to use superwash wool in a dk weight if that would be ok.
I would love to knit a square. I’m a runner myself and crossed many a marathon/half marathon finish line with my family waiting.
Count me in- do we have a specific weight? Worsted/DK?
Also colors? Superwash… ??
I want to make a square!
-Hanna, your local zocalista.
Yes. If I knitted or crocheted. . . I would make one. Instead, I’ll pass on the message. Phew. And breather . . .
Add me to your list. I have a half of a skein of some nice yarn left over from a recent project and I’ve been pondering what to do with it. And now I know.
I’m in, I’ll get right on it. I just need to know where to send it. I read your account in My Life in Stitches, very touching.
Just let me know where to send it! I’m in from Ontario, Canada.
Hi Rachael. Please add me to the list of square knitters.
I’m in. One square for each of them. Please pass along my email.
I’ll make a square. Or two.
Count me in! I cherish my love blanket, and I cried when I read Krystle’s dad’s description of Krystle a couple of days ago.
Count me in for a square also, I’ll get it started tonite I’ll be proud to be a part of this.
It would be lovely if Wilma could be included.
Spreading the word…
Of course I will make a square!
Count me in Rachael…, what a little thing to ask that will make everyone feel like they are doing something! Sometimes you want to do something but being so far away all you can do is send money that you don’t really know what is happening to it…..this is amazing! Thank you and Rena both for making us feel a part of the bigger picture!
I’m in. Just 8″ x 8″ – no fiber/color/weight preferences?
I will do a square!
Yes, I’ll be happy to make a square, count me in. I’ve read your books too, Rachael, and have followed you for a long time, but don’t comment very often. This is a wonderful idea.
I’m in for a square too!
I’m in. Sending you an email to give and get the particulars. I am happy to be able to do something like this. It will make me feel better as much as helping someone else in their time of need.
Hi! I’ve passed this info along to our yarn group here in Indianapolis, the Charity Girls, and we will be sending along a handful of them. We LOVE doing this stuff and have set up a Web site to coordinate the different charities we help and to try to get others involved.
Love your books too! ๐ Thanks for doing this.
I am definitely in! I have posted on my FB page and will pass along to my yarnie group this weekend. I would love to wrap the entire city of Boston in a blanket right now.
You all are so wonderful, I don’t really know how to put it into words. Thank you…thank you so, so much for being willing to help.
I’ve gotten a lot of emails already, and I’ll respond to each with my mailing address. However, I’ve noticed a lot of questions about yarn weight and such (because I honestly didn’t think of that). DK or worsted weight is preferred. Wilma lives in central Florida, but we still do get chills here (and the air conditioning is sometimes worse). Fiber is free game. Same with color and pattern. That is the artist’s discretion.
Hugs for you all! <3
Please count me in. I’m from Arlington and would be honored to knit a piece of home into the blanket.
I am in…and so is my knitting group! Please let me know how/where to send.
Thank you for mobilizing the knitters, Rachael. There’s some serious mojo out there!
Of course. Of course.
Count me in for a square!
I am in! Please email me the mailing address. I’ve got surgery scheduled in a couple of weeks and should be able to knit a few for the blanket.
Of course I’m in!
I’m in. Such a small way to express our solidarity but good will always beat evil. One stitch at a time if that’s what it takes.
I’d like to help!
Im in. 8 x8 inches? Where do i send it? Also SO SORRY about the food posoning at Lerici! I feel terrible that I ever suggested it!
square done – just emailed for the address to send it to. Thanks for the opportunity to do more than pray for the family.
I’m in also. Please send me the mailing address.
My hugs and prayers to all affected by this sad
I’m in. Would love to do one and I will pass it on.
I would love to pitch in with a square or two. What’s our deadline and where do we send the squares when we are finished?
I ran Boston in 2010 and six members of my running club were at Boston this year. Two finished well before the bombs went off, two finished about 5 minutes before, and two weren’t allowed to finish.
I’d like to contribute a square. If you get more squares than you need for two blankets, would it be out of line to make, unsolicited, a Love Blanket for the family of the little boy who died?
With gratitude,
OF COURSE I WILL DO THIS! Please share my email.
I would like to contribute also.
Please count me in.
I’m in. Pass it on.
I’m in. And would you like us to talk about this on the TwinSet Designs podcast in our next episode?
I’ll make one!
I’m in.
Hi – I’d love to help. Please pass my email address in. Thanks!
I will make one!
I’ve posted this to facebook plus our LYS facebook page and my best knitterly group on Rav. I’m also a beneficiary of the power of A Life in Stitches – funny how that book just shows up at the exact perfect moment in peoples’ lives. Thank you again for writing it. I’m in for a square, please pass my email along and thanks for rallying the troops!
I’ll do a couple of squares from Canada! Please give us a mailing address where we can send them to you!
I am totally in. Please send info on where to send. As a new knitter it will be scruffy, but done with love from Colorado!
I will make one!
Greetings from the Philly Suburbs. Count me in! I also belong to a Knitting Guild here, so let me know if more squares are needed and I will ask the members to make some.
I’m in.
I’m in. I have family near Boston who have run the marathon (not this year). Love from Colorado!
I have a square ready…Just let me know where to send it…Thanks to both Rachael and Rena for doing this.
I’m in. I’ve got a few knitter friends who I’m guessing will join in too. Best of luck and I have a feeling that there will several blankets! What a wonderful thing!
I would love to contribute.
I’m in! This is a very kind idea.
I’m in! It is literally the least I can do.
Count me in! My office is closed right now due to the Boston Manhunt…Need to put the rest of this day to good use!
I will send mine tomorrow…please forward information where to send. Let’s hope we get enough to make one for everyone affected by the bombings…
Thank you so much for you help…
Pixie HeartStrings
I’m happy to make a square and will post this to my FB page as well:
As a great admirer of your work and blog, I would find it comforting to be able to help by knitting a square!!!
I’m in. Just send me an address to send my squares and hugs. Love, too. Maria
Please count me in for this. my email is
Thanks, Jenny
Please count me in, I’d love to knit a square too, lots of love and prayers Sarah xx
I would love to make a square. Count me in.
I will make a square…
I would very much like to take part – if not for the mother and father then for the young boy – just need to know where to send it x Jane
I would love to participate. <3
I will start a square first thing 2morrow & mail it on Monday. Just need the address. Hope my square helps.
I will send a square or two.
Count me in, please! FYI, I linked out to this from “onesheepishgirl”
I’m in. Mine is done and ready to be put to good use.
Awesomeness, would love to contribute a square! Count me in!
Could you use one more from BC Canada??? I would love to contribute.
I will definitely be making a square! Please count me in!
I’m in, too! Just tell me where to send the square.
I’m definitely in! Please let me know where to send my square(s).
I’m in.
I’d love to help.
I would love to be in on this.
I will make a square!
I’d love to contribute. Any specifications on weight, color, pattern? Thanks! Rosemary
I would love to be a part of this. What a wonderful idea.
I’m a friend of Zoom – I’m in! Will do it this week. I had a love blanket sent to me by my friends (and their friends) when my baby daughter died. I treasure it, and the compassion of friends and strangers for me and my family in our time of great loss. So glad I can now pay it forward. Myine will be Canadian Red – we stand with krystle’s family and our American friends.
i’m in.
Count me in. Just started reading A Life in Stiches. Looove it.
mine’s done. off in the post tomorrow.
I’m in, and I’ll pass the word to the group of ladies that knit prayer shawls at my mom’s church too.
Indeed I will! Also posting to my blog, and on my Ravelry group.
While I wasn’t there and my Boston friends were nowhere near the events, this tragedy has had a lasting effect on me- this is a fantastic thing you are doing and I would love to help!
I’m in. Thanks for the chance to reach out. <3
I would love to make a square!
Funny, I’m working on a blanket that has 8 x 8 squares. I’ll send one along.
Count me in also. Just need to know where to send the square.
My two are on their way from California. I found 32 stitches on a #10 needle did the trick. Fun to participate. Do we get to see the end result? Thanks for doing this Rena and thanks for facilitating, Rachael.
Count me in.
I am definitely in. Please send my info along. Thanks for coordinating this. ๐
I have a couple of squares already–they just need blocking. I’m in.
I would love to make a square or two as well, but the email button goes to Outlook and I don’t use that. So I need to know how else I can get an address to send them to please.
I’m in. How could I not?
I would like to contribute, also. Perhaps these blankets can be shared with those who were injured as well as those lost.
I would love to help!
Hi Rachael, if you get enough of a response, I wonder if we could assemble a blanket as well for Karen Rand, the friend of Krystle’s who was standing next to her and survived but lost a leg.
Wow! So many responses. I’m interested in helping out, too!
I would love to do a square or two.
I love this idea, so very much. Just sent you an e-mail saying so… I plan on getting started on two squares tomorrow (one for each blanket). Please let me know if there are any other ways I can help. <3
I just learned to crochet, but I think even I can handle a couple of eight inch squares for such a lovely and loving cause. Thank you for making it happen.
This is a wonderful idea. Count me in for a square!
Count me in!
Please count me in.
I would be honored to be included. Two squares coming your way
Need address from you
Billie parish
Count me in too. I have a stash waiting for donation.
I would love to help. This really brings tears to my eyes; these acts of kindness and generosity help restore my belief in humanity.
I’d love to make a square, please count me in. <3
I would also absolutly love to donate a square towards this project. Based on the number of responses you should already have more that enough comitted but maybe with this amount of interest it might be possible to make blankes for each family who lost a loved one in this tradegy. (I live in MA about 45 min Southeast of Boston).
What a beautiful sentiment! I would love to help out. Please pass on my info. Thanks and Blessings…
While recovering from illnes( and stuck at home already second week!!) I’m knitting those squares for the Boston Love Blanket(s).Its a great feeling that I can have a tiny part of this great project …so I started thinking about the family who lost a little boy Martin Richard and his little sister ,who lost a leg.Wouldn’t be wonderful to make a Love Blanket for his mother and maybe sweet pinkish-purplish-and whatever other colors a little girls love Blankie for this little girl, who lost brother, lost leg and to young, to early learned about Evil .Maybe cuddle in this pinkish cloud of her blankie soaked in love of caring strangers she will recover faster, maybe she will start believing again that people are good, that life is good. Anybody willing to make some more squares for another grieving mother and a very hurt little girl? I could be the contact and the final maker of at list one (might as well both blankets).
Please count me.
Hugs from Italy, Emanulea
Please let me know where to send the square.
Thanks, Emanuela
I would love to make a square, maybe we could get enough squares to make a blanket for each of the victims families! That would be awesome! I live in Australia, so it may take a little while for the squares to get to Rena, would that be an issue?
I am so in! Stupid question….is there a certain pattern I need to follow? Does it matter if it’s knit or crochet? (Hmmm…that seems like 2 stupid-ish questions) Let me know. I’m ready!!
I would love to contribute to this! How do I do it?
I’d love to contribute if you still have space! Anna
Hi Teri. I noticed your post from April 19th and your comment about the Blanket for the Richards Family. I am already “working “on this project( one for Denise ,the mother of Martin killed and one WERY SPECIAL GIRLY blanket for Jane a 7year old sister of Martin, who lost brother and..she lost a leg. Both her and mom are still in hospital .Since Rachael had asked her friends and readers sooo tooo many times, I am kind of on my own for this one.
Rena ,who is coordinating the BLB for Krystle family had promise to mail me any “left overs” from that project.
I had sent emails to all my friends all over the world.
If you would like to help and make a square or two I will be very thankful. Just make a post and I will give u my contact info.
Thank you so much
Is it too late to join? I have a square ready to go!
I would love to be a part of this!
Knitted 2squares, juar finishing up the last 1. Sending them by fast post & hopefully they will get there in time (i’m in nz & post office said it will take 4days 2 get there fast post).
What a great idea Teri to make a Love Blanket for the family of the little boy who died – I had been thinking the same thing!
Hi Arjaye,
I am coordinating the Boston Love Blankets for Martins Richard Family and one for his little sister ,who lost a leg in the bombing.
If you would like to make a square or two it will be great. I still need a lot. Just post your email and I will provide you my address ,where to send the square.
I’d love to make a square!
Count me in!!!! Found you on Pinterest. ๐
I was entrusted with huge amount of yarn, needles, wip, etc. by the John, the widower of my dear friend Candi Reiter who passes away December 2011 to distribute as I saw fit. Candi was an AVID charity knitter. I have several squares she made that I think will fit the bill. I know if she were still here she’d be crocheting away for this particular project. I will hand them off to a woman who will be a newbie to our knitting group tonight, she is working on collecting squares for these blankets.Bless you for organizing this!