Where Writing is Fun and Easy Again

Let's Write, Together

Finally, You've Found Your Community
Have you ever longed for a group of close friends who write? Who sit in the village square with you and talk wordsmithing late into the night? Who understand why writing is your biggest dream (and therefore, the scariest dream of all)?
Welcome to Ink Village, my friend.

This Isn't About Doing More
It's about being strategic with what you can do in the season of life you're in right now, surrounded by others who truly get it, who get you.
It's about finding a gentle, intentional approach that works with your real life, your real energy, and your real writing process.
With friends.

The Truth About Productive Writers
Productive writers aren't more disciplined than you. They're not more organized. They're not working harder.
They've just learned to:
• Work with their resistance instead of fighting it
• Create sustainable practices that don't require superhuman willpower
• Navigate emotional discomfort without letting it stop them
In Ink Village, this is what we do. Together.

Who I Am:
I'm the internationally bestselling author of more than two dozen books, including thrillers (under R.H. Herron), mainstream fiction, feminist romance, memoir, and nonfiction about writing. I've been published with Penguin Random House, Chronicle Books, HarperCollins, and Hachette, and my books have been translated into 7 languages. I received my MFA in writing from Mills College, Oakland, and I've taught writing extension workshops at both UC Berkeley and Stanford. A New Zealand citizen as well as an American, I live in Wellington, New Zealand with my banjo-playing wife and brick-eating dog.
What You'll Get in Ink Village

A Vibrant Community
Where Writers Find Their Home!
Step into our cozy writer's hamlet, where every channel in our private Slack community brings another facet of village life to vibrant reality.
Slack Channels include:
• The Village Square - Our sun-dappled central plaza where writers gather to share their intentions, welcome newcomers, and find their rhythm in the steady heartbeat of our community. Start your writing day here!
• The Mill - Where ideas tumble like grain through the millstones. Bring your raw concepts and watch them transform through the power of collaborative brainstorming. No idea too wild, no plot too tangled!
• The Inn - Pull up a chair by the fireplace! Share your triumphs, navigate your challenges, and find kindred spirits for your writing journey. This is where writing friends become writing family.
• The Clockmaker's Shop- Time is a writer's most precious resource. Here's where we craft sustainable schedules, adjust our writing rhythms, and find the perfect rejigger to suit your creative flow.

The Village Crier - a private podcast!
A Podcast Just for Us!
Each week, pour out all your writing questions and I'll answer them all in The Village Crier – a private podcast crafted exclusively for our villagers. Whether you're wrestling with plot knots, character quirks, or the mysteries of maintaining momentum – ask away!
The real magic? Your questions spark insights for everyone. When one villager wonders about dialogue techniques, another realizes why their character conversations feel flat. When someone asks about building suspense, three other writers suddenly see their pacing in a new light. It's like having a weekly writers' masterclass shaped by exactly what you need to know.
(Fun fact: This Q&A is the secret sauce in my 90 Days to Done program, where writers consistently call it their favorite feature. Now it's yours, delivered fresh weekly, for Ink Village ears only!)

Time to Write Together
Silent Writing Sessions (Introvert-Friendly!)
Writers consistently report the same thing: "I wrote more in two weeks of these sessions than I did in the past three months on my own." The secret is beautifully simple: scheduled time, supportive silence, and the gentle momentum of writing alongside others. No critiques, no sharing – just you, showing up for your writing, surrounded by others doing the same.
Morning Hours (Fixed Schedule)
- 5 days a week, Monday through Friday
- 7am - 9am PT (10am - 12pm ET)
- Unhosted quiet writing time in our shared Zoom room
Afternoon/Evening Hours (Flexible Schedule)
- 2+ sessions per week
- Two-hour blocks scheduled between Sun-Fri (never on a Saturday)
- Varying start times announced weekly, typically between 1pm - 5pm PT (4pm - 8pm ET)
- Hosted sessions with brief opening discussion and focused writing time
How It Works
All sessions are drop-in friendly – join when you can and stay as long as you like.
Morning sessions provide a consistent, quiet space for independent writing. (I'm in New Zealand, so I'll be sleeping at these times, but I'll wake to see your chat messages in the Zoom room.)
The varying afternoon/evening schedules are shared in advance and change often, so you can carve out your ideal writing times. No pressure, no performance – just the quiet company of fellow writers creating alongside you.

Village Membership Levels
The Cottage
Your safe, cozy, and joyful writing home.
- 14+ hours of silent writing sessions per week
- Our own OhWrite room for sprinting any time of day or night
- The Village Crier weekly podcast to answer your writing questions
- Vibrant Ink Village Slack channels to support you all day long
- And all the community magic you need to transform your writing life!
Free two-week trial! Cancel anytime.
The Workshop
All Cottage benefits listed above, plus EDITING:
- 2,000 words of detailed, professional editing from Rachael per month
- Limited slots available to ensure individual attention
The Study
All Workshop benefits listed above, plus COACHING:
- One-on-one 45-minute fireside coaching session with Rachael on Zoom monthly (see below for schedule note)
- 4,000 words of detailed, professional editing per month
- Very limited slots available to maintain intimate mentoring
The Hearth
The most comprehensive support package, this includes all Study benefits plus:
- Two monthly 45-minute fireside coaching sessions with Rachael per month (see below for schedule note)
- 10,000 words of detailed, professional editing per month
- Extremely limited slots to maintain intimate mentoring
- Your personal writing sanctuary with direct mentor access
The Details!
Ink Village is perfect for you if:
- You're seeking a guilt-free writing home
- You want to discover your natural writing rhythm, not someone else's
- You're ready to write in the life you have, not the life you wish for
- You believe joy and creativity flow better with gentle support
- You're looking for sustainable progress, not burnout
Ink Village is NOT right for you if:
- You're seeking a rigid, one-method-fits-all approach
- You believe suffering is the only path to creativity
- You need high pressure to produce
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can I try it out first?
- You bet! Please take your first two weeks free, on me, and feel free to cancel anytime during your membership. Watch how your writing life transforms.
- You bet! Please take your first two weeks free, on me, and feel free to cancel anytime during your membership. Watch how your writing life transforms.
- Can I switch tiers later?
- Absolutely. Switch tiers up or down at any time (going up a tier is dependent on there being an open slot for some of the more limited tiers, but you'll go right to the top of the wait list if there isn't)
- What does your editing entail?
- Due to the worth and fragility of writing, I can only edit drafts that aren't first drafts. I'm very happy to read and comment on what I love about your early first drafts, but it's too risky for first drafts to be actually critiqued by anyone. That comes later. But on second/later drafts, editing includes detailed line edits that strengthen your work and even better, show you how to make your specific work stronger in the future. Being edited is the fastest way to get better as a writer!
- When would we do the coaching?
- Coaching times in The Study and The Hearth levels: I coach on Weds and Thursday evenings (US time zones). If this doesn't work for your schedule, The Cottage or the Workshop might be a better fit at this time.
- What if I can't make any of the writing sessions?
- Those are optional! They're great, but the real strength of this community is being with friends in Slack and our private podcast. Plus, you can write with each other any time of day in OhWrite or just sprint together in the sprint channel!
- Do you have a lower-priced option?
- I'm glad you asked! I don't want to turn away anyone for lack of funds, so if $99/month is prohibitive to you, please fill out the PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN Application: I'm pleased to be able to offer several Pay-What-You-Can memberships for financial hardship, and I actively encourage BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ writers to apply by filling out THIS APPLICATION.