A. Lala is funny about our aminals.
B. I wrote another 1750 words, for a total of 3500 for the first two days of Nanowrimo. I hope. I’m writing at work, and I have no way to ship my writing out of here and no way to officially count words. Because of where I work, I can’t bring in any memory devices, no disks or memory sticks, and the computers that we work on are not connected to the outside world in any way, including to the internets. We have a separate internet computer to share, but I would never hog it in order to Nano at work. That’s just wrong. And it’s so NICE to have a job where I’m paid to know what to do and when to do it — but when there’s nothing going on, it’s not like I have to polish the silver or anything.
So I am left with two choices:
1. Write longhand. Response: No way in hell am I going to retype all that. Plus, I write so SLOWLY by hand compared to how I type.
2. Type it out on the computer in front of me. Response: This is what I’m doing, but I tell you, it’s WEIRD to write, print it out to hardcopy and then erase all trace of what I’ve spent hours on. I’m so used to saving and re-saving and saving to disk and saving online… I’ve ordered scanner OCR software (ReadIris 11 for Mac – any users? Advice?), and even if I only get 85% accuracy (Apple says it’s more like 99% accuracy), I’ll be saving time. But to have those words, uncounted, only on paper…. it’s just weird, man.
C. Whooops. I don’t have a C. That’s it. Mwah.