A nice Sunday morning — the migraine that felled me yesterday (the acupuncture has been SO great, I was super disappointed) is gone, although Lala is sick as a dog and has gone back to bed. Poor thing.
But the day is pretty and sunny and warm enough to sit out on the porch, and the dogs seem to know that there is a new dog park opening today and we’re going to the party for it this afternoon (Joaquin Miller park, yo, off Sanborn, party till 2pm), and we’ve heard there might be an agility demo, which Clara really wants to see.
I feel like today I should finish knitting the There But For The Grace of Flashdance gansey that is NOT off-the-shoulder anymore, and I should work on getting some other things out of my To Make basket. It might be a purge week, actually. There are some projects that I know with all my heart are going nowhere, and I don’t even like the yarn enough to rip. We’ll see. I don’t feel like starting that right now. But maybe tomorrow. I can just imagine — me throwing all my yarn into the center of the yarn and starting from there. Doesn’t that sound fun? Overwhelming and fun?
Hey! Have you seen Emily’s new site and the fabulous scarf pattern she’s posted? She does the site and photography for Knit-One-One, and she’s just such a cutie-pie. Go say hello, and keep your eye on her!
And for your weekend fun, a picture of the picture on our fridge — Joni with godkid Dylan (months and months ago — he now has total control of his head) wearing the matching aran sweaters I made them. The picture was taken on her boat where she was living while she was pregnant, and it’s attached to our fridge with Maori haka magnets from New Zealand, which was unintentional but apropos — both Dylan and I are half-Kiwi.
I’m off to go check on the sickee. Enough Emergen-C will fix anything.