People! What is UP? You don’t write fast enough. I went
through my bloglines and read everything (you know how to do that, right? Click
where it says the number of feeds you have, and they all fill in – make sure
you have either the time to read them all or else the stomach for skimming) and now everything
is cleared out and you aren’t WRITING. What is up? You have something better to
do on Saturday night? Besides keeping me entertained while I’m at work, working
not twelve hours, but thirteen because of the stupid time change? Out
gallivanting? Huh? Huh?
I suppose I understand. Fun-havers, all of you.
But now that I’m thinking about fun, and because I care, I
will now share with you:
The Yes Man, by Danny Wallace
It is so good that I finished it on the airplane coming back
because apparently I had no brain cells at ALL, and just started reading it
again from the beginning.
Funny? Oh, my GOD, is it funny. A Londoner, Danny Wallace is
living in a funk after a breakup, hiding under his covers and not going out. A
guy on a bus tells him to say yes more, and it’s A Revelation. He says yes to
EVERYTHING after that for an entire year. Everything. Not some things. But everything.
It’s amazing where in the world one can end up if one says yes to every
question posed.
Also, he’s just a good guy. A nice, funny, sweet, bumbling,
enthusiastic goofball – the kind that I’d shoot darts with in a bar and end up
taking him home and making him spaghetti. (By that I mean spaghetti, you
dirty-minded Saturday-night fun-having people.)
And it’s more than just a funny read. Might just change the
way you look at the world. It’s a happy, hopeful, wonderful read, and you will
love it. I mean it.
Do NOT read the back of the damn book. The publisher placed,
like, the WORST spoiler ever on the back. If you read the back of the book, you
will learn something big, something that you should NOT know until the last few
pages. On my copy, I’ve blacked out the offending phrase. If you buy the book,
put a cover on it if you can’t help stealing peeks. It’s important, I swear. I
don’t read backs of books, so I didn’t know, but Lala did, and she was sad
about it. Simon Spotlight Publishers, take note. That sucks.
(Oh my god, I originally linked to Powells, because it’s
independent, but they have the same spoiler! Don’t read it! So I linked to
Amazon, but you should really call your local bookstore, instead. Yes, that’s
it. Then have THEM sharpie out the text on the back for you. I’m not kidding.
Plus, having worked in a bookstore for years, I would have loved to do that.)