How eternally tired I am of dealing with the HOA crap that you have all come to know and love. Did I mention that the non-owner-asshat ripped out the back deck? That his unit and mine SHARE? And then did nothing, leaving it a dirt hole, claiming that he thought he had verbal approval (after we had discussed everyone getting independent bids, and no, he was NOT welcome to submit one), and when he found out he didn’t, he just stopped working.
The good news: We found the real owner, Sarah. And she appears to be a sensible sort, thank all the gods that live in small houses. She’s in a difficult situation, a he-said-she-said kind of thing, but she’s paying all back dues, the check is mailed, and I believe her. She’s Jose’s ex, so she must know something about him, I suppose.
We’ll get this place fixed up if it kills us. However, it’s been a bitch to rent out, partly because of the dirt hole at the back door, and partly because I hate going over there, knowing he might be home. I’d hate to run into him right now, especially with the last few days of flying emails. So I’m showing it to four or five people in the next couple of days — think good thoughts! We’re broke! Need the rent! Sometimes it’s just so hard, putting myself in a situation where I’m not comfortable, where there might be personal verbal conflict, which I HATE. It stresses me out. All day today, I’ve been mildly anxious and worried, knowing I have to go over there at 1pm, which is crap, because, really, I love that little place. Ack.
Also: Anyone know a good, honest, cheap contractor that I should contact in the East Bay Area to rebuild a wooden stairway, and a back lower and upper deck? Give me some refs, baby. I know you got ’em. (Also need a CHEAP handyman — got some doors that need work in helping to close easily, and some windows that are painted shut, that type of thing. Bless you, in advance.)
On a happy, fibery note, I had a lovely weekend. Bookended by knitting happenings, it was just one of those nice times. I had time off of work due to a friend being VERY nice and working for me two nights in a row. So my weekend started with a night at Nancy’s house, all lesbians, mostly knitters. I finished a pair of Baudelaire socks while there, and those bossy knitters MADE me take a picture so that I’d actually post knitting content.
So, under only faint duress, I give you some very pretty socks:
Very nice pattern, highly recommended. And for a person who, when it comes right down to it, HATES to knit lace socks, these are pretty painless. And PRETTY.
So I had a wonderful evening at Nancy and Adriana’s house. It was really something I needed, great food, great conversation, great women. I was glowing when I came home.
The next day was supposed to be Lambtown. I was going to watch border collies work sheep and buy fiber. Then I realized I HAVE a border collie (I can pretend the sheep, just watch me), and I have enough fiber. Really, I do. And as stated, we need a renter. Until renter, no fiber. That’s the deal. So I stayed home with Lala, which was a much better thing to do, anyway.
Then Bolinas — the regular fun, good show, good people (lotsa knitters! Props to my knitters!), and, unfortunately, a guy named Dustin and a bottle of Crown Royale. Stupid Dustin from Vegas with his stories of bacon martinis. I had the mother of a hangover the next day, the likes of which I haven’t seen in years. I started out kinda okay, able to eat and drive and pack and unpack the car which was full of instruments and dogs.
Once home and out with my girl Mandy (see, didn’t I tell you? All knitting fun this weekend, all the time), the hangover really kicked in. I was miserable. So happy, so overjoyed to see her, so happy to meet her awesome friend Susie, but, oh, the spins I was in. And the embarrassment was almost as bad as the headache. They were sweet to me, though, and only laughed a little when, in front of me at the cafe I had: iced coffee, V-8, water, and 7-Up. I just couldn’t decide what would help. Lala was a SAINT, I tell you.
Susie, Saintly Lala, me, and Mandy
After that, I went down for the count for a nap and got up feeling more human, and then we got to go to Janine’s, who was in town! I tell you, it doesn’t get better than this. We heart Janine, in a big way. More hanging out with excellent people, and more knitting.
Look! I’m so proud! Actual knitting content! Yay!
*Added later – I rented it! I did! What an awesome day — things with Sarah the Real Owner are working out, and I had an amazing hour of showing the place to four people, all of whom loved it. I debated — should I rent it to the hot sporty lesbian (represent) or to the lovely Peace Corps gal named Hope who teaches elementary school? I wanted to help the community and rent it to our sporty jock (her g/f and dog were cute, too), but I bonded more with Hope. She’d be someone I’d pick as a friend, and her references were awesome. Also, her lease is up in seven days, so I’m giving her the keys in six. Couldn’t be more perfect. Now I really need those handyman/contractor suggestions……
Oh, frabjous day!