I’m spinning bunny fluff! But you can’t see it! I’m at work, nowhere near my wheel. Sorry. I’m just thinking about my afternoon of sitting on the couch watching TV before work.
It was nice, just me and the cats and some coffee. I was watching Music From Another Room with Jude Law. Boy, do I hate that movie. And it took me about forty-five minutes to realize I’d seen it before, and I’d hated it then. Nothing in it makes any damn sense, and the main chick character that he falls for has no soul, I’m convinced. Even in real life, she probably casts no shadow. She’s that boring. Although she was kind of fascinating in her boringness. Give me the blind Meg Tilly character any day. Only, you know, that’s okay.
Anyway. Bunfuzz and wool. Oooh, it’s soft and just the lightest pink and I have NO idea what I’m going to make out of it, except it might become some sort of lacey scarf. I only have eight ounces of it, so my options are somewhat limited.
Unrelated really, but here are some sleeves I’ve been working on — my own design, for a friend who lives on a boat and needs a little warmth this winter.
Man, I’m so ready to go home this morning. And going-home time is a-comin’ soon. Happy day to you.