Well, mostly better. Fever still lingers a bit, but only in that drive you crazy am-I-feverish-or-not kind of way. Not enough to cramp my style, or prevent me from going to work tonight, although I slept almost thirteen hours last night and just got up from a three hour nap this afternoon. Well prepared for a night of sitting on my ass, I think.
So I have nothing interesting to say, having done nothing in the past three days. So I’ll give you a couple of pics of the most interesting things around me recently (sadly, La’s been super-duper busy, so I’ve been amusing myself with movies and cats and spinning).
How I spent last night:
And yes, that ball of wool is bigger than Adah. She weighs more, though. It’s destined to be Debbie Bliss’s Lara, I think, if the gauge comes out. Just what I need. Another sweater in California. But at least the nice thing is I seldom wear a coat here, just sweaters at night, so I actually get use out of them….
And it’s spinning up (two-ply) into this:
It’s rather uneven, and I’m really struggling with it. It’s a stubborn Rambouillet from A Touch of Twist out of Schenectady, obtained in Maryland. Drafting more is helping, but it’s still aggressive and jumpy. I think I’d gotten used to the nice merinos and this is hard for me. But it’s a good challenge.
Also, I just saw this in my living room. I love my house. (And my Treo, for taking the picture. Not bad for a phone, no?)