Merry Christmas (I always type Merry Christy, since I'm more used to typing my sister's name than the holiday) to you, if you celebrate it. If you don't, then enjoy the non-hoopla!
Actually, this year I am seriously non-hoopla Christmassing it. I'm working today, which is fine. A coworker and friend just lost her father, and went home to Albuquerque, and I'm working for her. Way too many people around me have lost loved ones, just in the last few weeks. It is teh suck.
Tonight, though, I will go home. Lala will be there. Her brother will be there. They will be playing Rock Band, I can almost guarantee it. (Or beta-testing City of Heroes for Mac – they are excited about that.) There will probably be something to eat, and most certainly something to drink, and we will open presents. That should be good.
Tomorrow I drive to Dad's house. The sisters are already there. We will be sufficiently Christmassy and we will get clam chowder. Then I will drive back and finish working on a January 2nd book deadline (yay!). Then this whole holiday crap will be over and we can go back to normal.
I like this photo from 2003. Mom with her new Xmas accordian:
Yep. That's all. More fudge, please.
Rachel – Hope your holiday was calm and comforting. Mine was rather melencholy, since I lost DD Sr in April (car accident that also took her boyfriend, but thankfully not his twin brother). Holidays will forever be changed.
DD Jr (the writer) is home from college, so that is wonderful, and most of the beasties are well (have lost 3 of the boys to the nasty, nasty cold we have been having). The ewes are starting to plump up, but babies aren’t expected until February at the earliest.
we finally got the water running to the kitchen again (a combination of freezing pipes and sand in the system has been a real challenge. Thank Goddess that I am fairly handy)
Hug LaLa and the animals, and take care of yourself!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and best wishes for a healthy, happy New Year to you both!!! Safe travels tomorrow!
Merry Christmas, Darlin’! Enjoy your day.
Merry Christmas. I hope it is the best that it can be.
Merry Christmas to you, too! I like the picture of your Mom. It has a Normal Rockwell quality to it. It’s also interesting as she appears to have a glow about her head. Safe travels to Dad’s house.
It’s hard, that first year. Having family round helps. As does having absorbing work.
Thanks for sharing Little Mama’s happy picture. I send you & Lala & the family many hugs and all wishes for as Merry a Christy as possible.
much love, chiquita…
We are having a non-hoopla Christmassy too, the way I perfer it actually. Just good food and good friends and good weather
Peace and joy to you and yours.
Like you, I worked today in the comm center. Blessedly, it was simply my regular day on, not to cover for a coworker who has lost a loved one. And after work, which was remarkably undisastrous, I went to an extended family Christmas dinner. I’ve had a very low-key holiday, too, with the gift exchange taking place last night (after dinner out) and little to no hoopla. It’s been relaxing and real and oh-so-welcome. I hope you and La and your extended family have the best of new years and that you make your deadline (!!) with ease. Hugs from the Sunshine State!
It is definitely a non-hoopla Christmas here, too. This is the first year since we’ve had kids that we didn’t stay up past midnight to wrap presents and sneak them downstairs. We went to sleep like any other night, woke up at 9a, and threw their stuff into gift bags. We are such bad parents :-).
Happy New Year, Rachael. And happy book dead-line.
I have a hard time typing the word March because I have a good friend named Marcy. Beware the ides of Marcy!
Merry Christy!