Finally write your book and FINISH IT!
with internationally bestselling author Rachael Herron
September 1 - November 30, 2024
Every Tuesday 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET
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You've Wanted to Write a Book FOREVER...
Or when you do, it sucks. This is the masterclass for you. Together, we'll break through your stopping points and work from start to finish, until you write the magic words for yourself: The End. - 2IN THIS MASTERCLASS, YOU'LL ACTUALLY DO THE WORK.
You'll work shoulder to shoulder with a small group of people exactly as passionate as you are about actually achieving your dream. You'll take turns being inspired and inspiring your peers. - 3EXPECTATION, MEET EXCITEMENT.
Bestseller Rachael Herron brings both to your writing experience. She'll expect you to do your heart's work. And you'll show up with it because you've made that promise to yourself. - 4CREATIVITY WITHIN CONSTRAINTS.
You have 90 days. Not six months. Not a year. No more wasting time. You'll do the work because of this constraint - and the magic is that your writing will be better for it. - 5THE TIME IS NOW!
It's never been easy to find the time. But guess what? It's only going to get harder as life rolls forward. Don't wait until you have more free time. You'll never have it. Take it now.
I Know How You Feel.

I know you. I was you.
For seven solid years (after I got my MFA, mind you), I struggled to write. I couldn't find the time. When I did, I couldn't get started. When I did manage to write, my work was crap without solid characters or a believable plot. I hated my work, and worse, I hated myself. Writing was the one thing I wanted to do. Why wasn't I doing it?
Then I figured out how to get out of my own way and write.
I've written more than two dozen bestselling books since.
In just 90 days, together with a small group of other serious writers,
Capped at Just 12 Students
Intimacy fosters trust and growth.
Build Real Characters
They'll talk to you.
Watch your characters leap from the page. You'll barely be able to control them, because you built them from the ground up. They're real. (Writing memoir? Your main character is YOU.)
Plot Structure That Works
What happens next?
Do you get stuck wondering what's going to happen next? No more. You'll work with Rachael on mastering STORY STRUCTURE. You'll go from stuck to speeding down the narrative highway.
Learn Time Management
You have the time.
Where does writing fit into your life? Oh, honey, we'll find pockets of time you never knew you had. Learn strategies that will allow you to write even on your busiest days.
You can do it.
Sure, you could spend the next three years trying to write your novel or memoir. But it won't be any better than one written in 90 days (and it's often worse). Fly through this draft!
About Rachael Herron
I've written and published more than two dozen books with major publishers, including Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and Chronicle Books. I write mainstream literary fiction, thriller (under R.H. Herron), memoir, non-fiction, and romance.
I know structure, and I love to teach it. I've taught writing in the extension programs at UC Berkeley and Stanford. Now I teach the same things to a select, small group.
I'm genuinely excited about your book, whether it's fiction or memoir.
I'm fast. If you've been wanting to write faster, this is the class for you. (And I promise I'll share my magic tricks that make fast writing better writing.)
You'll never look at writing the same way again.

What You'll Get in This Masterclass
(Just $599/month for 3 months)

A weekly, 1-hour live video meeting on Tuesdays at 4pm PT / 7pm ET with time for your questions and a rotating weekly "hot seat" during which you and your book are the main focus at least once during the class. (Each meeting will be recorded and shared afterward in case you can't attend live.)

Each week, I'll I teach you something new, while at the same time you'll be writing your book. You'll have homework (a doable word quota) each week. There's no critique in-class, but you're welcome to reach out to potential critique partners within the group.

A Slack channel of our very own. Just for us, the channel will be used all 90 days for your questions, complaints, exclamations of awe, and expressions of joy. (Seriously. You're going to want to share the amazingness of what's going to happen to you.) You can even stay in the channel afterward for continued support from your peers.
What People Are Saying...
A Gift To New Writers
"Rachael Herron is a gift. I've taken a ton of classes, both online and in person, but this is the VERY best class I've ever taken. I went from zero words written on the book I've dreamed of writing for years to writing THE END for the first time ever in 90 Days to Done! I never thought I could do it, but she showed me how."
M. Donalds (90 Days to Done Graduate)
Just What a Writer Needs
This wasn’t the first novel I’ve ever finished, but it may well be the least painful one I’ve written. Don’t get me wrong: I love to write. Or rather, as the saying goes, I love to have written. But if I’m going to have written, I gotta write. And 90 Days to Done provided the space, helped me carve out and commit to the time, and built a supportive writing community in order to get that novel finished. Best of all, Rachael offered craft lessons—useful as a brush-up if you’ve studied writing, and priceless if not, answered any and all questions without making me feel dumb, and a weekly meeting that was the cornerstone of our community. Rachael’s lessons and handouts are clear, smart, and sensible—just what a writer needs during the thrills and bumps of getting a novel done in 90 days.
Beverly Army Williams (90 Days to Done Graduate)
Rachael will be your hip, modern, experienced fairy godmother to help usher, nudge, explore, and especially encourage you through your process.
RL. (90 Days to Done Graduate)
Now I Finally Write!
Rachael’s class finally made me the writer I always longed to be. She provided a rock-solid framework for how to make the heart of your story sing, including understanding your main character’s core wound to how and when to roll-out its emotional dark moment. She taught me how to increase my productivity such that I now write almost every day. I now know how to channel my creative energy and approach my work without procrastination or judgement.
Katrina Ryan (90 Days to Done Graduate)
Is This Masterclass Right For You?
Here's what to expect.
Who This is for
Who This is not for

Accountability = Priceless
You haven't written your book because no one's ever made you do it. I'll make you (nicely. But firmly). That's my job. I won't let you waste your money.

BONUS - Revision Masterclass
As a member of this 90 Days to Done Masterclass, you're guaranteed a seat in the following 90- Day Revision Masterclass, locked in at the same price should you desire to jump right into revisions. (Trust me. You'll want to.)
Join Today for the Next Masterclass -
Sept 1 - Nov 30, 2024
Only 12 seats. Hurry - This ALWAYS sells out fast.
Just $599 per month for 3 months

Still dithering?